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Thinking about visiting Colorado Springs? Come stay at with us at Stone Porch Cottage.

About Mimi

Mimi in Toledo
Mimi in Toledo Spain, Nov. 2019

I am an empty nester of “a certain age”. I currently live in Colorado Springs, CO with my excellent husband and various pets, all of questionable pedigree; both the husband and the pets.

We are pleased to live in a nearly 100-year-old home which is our passion and addiction.  I love working in the garden.  I love decorating inside and outside, reading, traveling, puttering, journaling, hiking, yoga, as well as enjoying the company of friends and family.  The purpose of this blog is nothing more than a little something fun to do for posterity.

Stone Porch Cottage Blog

Band at Hillside Gardens
Hillside Gardens

If you’re looking for something fun to do on a Wednesday evening in the summertime, you should seriously consider visiting Hillside Gardens.

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