Little Women…

Little Women

Yesterday, Himself  treated us as well as my favorite 13 year old to the latest movie version of one of my all time favorite novels,” Little Women”.  Complete with comfy reclining movie chairs. I have been a fan of all things “Louisa May Alcott”, since I was about 10 crying…

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Winter blues…

Stone Porch Cottage in December

Winters here in Colorado Springs can be quite dreary. Cold, dark, dry, blowy, and unless it is currently snowing or has just snowed, very, very brown. There are precious few evergreens to break up the monotonous grey and brown landscape. The deciduous trees have long since lost their greenness and…

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Apple the dog…

Apple the dog

This dynamo of canine energy is our dog. She is called , “Apple” in homage to my home state of Washington. She is getting up there in years now; somewhere between 14 and 15. Her hearing is questionable. Her eyesight in doubt. She mostly sleeps except for when she is…

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cleanup begins…

Himself  and I have begun the arduous task of taking down, sorting out, and storing all the Christmas stuff. Hubby heard a snowstorm may be brewing so he got ambitious yesterday and took down houselights and little light up snowman (Leonard) in the front garden. While, I began disassembling Christmas…

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