Winter blues…

Stone Porch Cottage in December

Winters here in Colorado Springs can be quite dreary. Cold, dark, dry, blowy, and unless it is currently snowing or has just snowed, very, very brown. There are precious few evergreens to break up the monotonous grey and brown landscape. The deciduous trees have long since lost their greenness and stand against the sky, stark skeletons. Remaining snow mostly patchy and full of tracks and spots of dead looking grass peaking through. It can be tough for this girl from the Pacific Northwest to take! That is when I am forced to drag out my “hygge”. I put on some soft warm clothes, (including comfy slippers), make a pot of something hot and comforting to sip, light a scented candle, snuggle up on my sofa with a cozy throw blanket, and read a good book about gardens ….. Currently I’m enjoying a memoir called, “A Gentle Plea for Chaos, Reflections from an English Garden”, by Mirabel Osler. It helps to fill my head with visions of digging in warm fecund soil, planting green things, and watching them grow…. Oh, when will spring come?! One must resist fussiness and frustration and be content in the knowledge that this old world continues to spin around and as we’ve now passed the winter solstice, the days will get longer and warmer bit by bit, and spring will arrive again…