Idlewylde cottage….

One of my great joys these past couple years (and especially since corona virus craziness) is enjoying my little dolly house I’ve christened “Idlewyld Cottage” ; an obscure reference to “Anne of Green Gables” of which I am an avid fan. I got brave and built the little house from a kit a couple years ago. It’s pretty wonky and fragile but I did complete it and that itself feels like an accomplishment. Then came task of decorating and furnishing it. I was able to find several items vintage and /or used online. Nothing perfect or slick; missing knobs, drawers that fall open or are stuck shut, weird sizes, but that is what I love. In my own big person sized house as well as my tiny doll house. When covid hit, I really got obsessed with sewing and crafting. I found an adorable website called, “Ann Wood handmade”. She gives so many sweet and doable projects that I have so enjoyed including many items for my little house. Tiny dolls, tiny doll clothes, tiny quilts, bags, etc. All mostly hand stitched which is very therapeutic and relaxing. This is no work of art and the flaws are countless and many are glaring but for me It’s a precious heirloom.

Welcome to the living room. Can you see the little clock I made from my grandfather’s watch? Or the tiny pinecone I brought back from Spain?
The powder room complete with tiny toilet paper and embroidered white towels. Trying to make a little tub caddy but that’s still in progress….
Here’s the sweet little kitchen. Made the little pot/utensil hanger from a toy key and bits of wire.
The boudoir . All of the bedding , I made myself as well as the tiny foot stool made from a bottle cap , the little table made from a spool of thread and a bit of vintage lace. The diminutive silhouette is my sister,Lisa.
And here are the ladies; Anne and Diana. A bit odd in the looks department and dressed alike today but they are kindred spirits for sure.