
I’ve recently in the last year or so found a passion for creating various little cloth dolls .I use all kinds of scraps and bits including fabric scraps, yarn, ribbon, lace, and embroidery floss.  It’s getting a bit crowded here so I’m always pleased to find a new loving home for many of my little people and pets. Just say the word and you might be surprised with a new friend in your mail box.:)

This is Gloria. Her sweet dress is made from some fabric that belonged to my mother.
This is Bunny. she is made from scraps and a little hanky that I “found” in my daughter in law’s stuff….
As you met in a previous post, these are Anne and Diana. They live in Idlewylde Cottage.
This is Priscilla. She has lost a shoe. Her little shawl is made from a tiny piece of a pashmina wrap that I adored but my dog chewed up. So now I make other little things from the bits that are left.
And finally, this is Priscila’s sister, Tallulah. She is a bit of a free spirit. Over her shoulder is a little picture of her petite chateau. She stays in my room so as not to shock sensitive sensibilities.