Dog days of summer 2021

It’s been hot and dry here in Colorado Springs, lately. Though we do see an occasional rainy deluge which makes my garden and me, oh, so happy!! Enormous fires in the west have made our air hazy and all but unbreathable but that seems to be clearing up a bit. At least my sore eyes think so. We’ve done a few fun projects in the back garden this summer as well as enjoying plantings and projects from previous years. Here are a few fun pics of “apple’s garden” and Stone Porch Cottage.

A lovely neighbor was giving away this old door for free. I rescued it and made a little privacy curtain for it. Himself then build a new fence between us and the house next door then installed this old green door. We still have some things we want to do with this area and will update as it progresses.
Another rescue. This old screen door was being thrown out with a bunch of old windows. I rescued all of it. Himself put this up as a welcoming little entry to the “girl garden”.
a bit of ice plant this year. will see how it winters over.
a big pot of coleus in a shady spot.
Himself’s favorite, daisies….
Got this rose for next to nothing on clearance and it bloomed like crazy. Also put a tiny fairy garden at the base of it.
These giant zinnias were a mystery. i was not sure what they were until they finally bloomed. could not even recall planting them last year but they must have reseeded. really pretty and a favorite with butterflies.

planted this pretty creamy rose next to Mary and Her Precious Baby.
this guy showed up one day, a hawk? a falcon?? Anyhow, he scared the wits out of my dear little indoor bird, Olive!