cleanup begins…

Himself  and I have begun the arduous task of taking down, sorting out, and storing all the Christmas stuff. Hubby heard a snowstorm may be brewing so he got ambitious yesterday and took down houselights and little light up snowman (Leonard) in the front garden. While, I began disassembling Christmas on the inside. Every room had something glittery and shiny so is a daunting task. As is my habit, I first pile all of it on my dining table. Today, I will sort, box, bag, bin and return it all to its cozy spot under the house until next year rolls around. You may wonder why we are such Scrooges and so anxious to get Christmas put away. Some years, we leave it out just a bit longer though I must confess to being among those who want it all gone Christmas afternoon. Himself  prefers it all up a bit longer, so we usually just find a nice compromise.