Little Women…

Little Women

20191231_070407_SignatureYesterday, Himself  treated us as well as my favorite 13 year old to the latest movie version of one of my all time favorite novels,” Little Women”.  Complete with comfy reclining movie chairs.

I have been a fan of all things “Louisa May Alcott”, since I was about 10 crying my eyes out over a ratty paper back at the classic and tragic death of poor Beth March.

I have among my most treasured possessions a set of several vintage LMA novels that were a gift from my aunt and uncle many years ago.  I have waited in vain for so long for someone (anyone) to share my passion for these lovely stories. 

I had such excited anticipation for this movie as it has been receiving excellent reviews and rumors of possible Oscars. But perhaps my expectations were too high.  Perhaps there is really no chance of living up to my own imaginings.  I thought the movie was absolutely gorgeous to watch. A golden haze seemed to permeate the beautiful scenes ; on the beach, in the March home, Victorian Europe  etc. etc.  It had a creative manner of going back and forth in time that was interesting and not too difficult to follow.  It was fun to hear many familiar iconic lines from the various characters and I could hear the pleased chuckles from fellow movie goers in the sold out theatre. 

But a few things just didn’t sit perfectly with my purest version of how I thought it should be.  None of the 4 sisters really fit my imaginings  As well as Marmee. There were tiny discrepancies that were bothersome.  (John Brooke’s eyes were famously brown!!  Not blue as stated in movie..).  Various conversations and situations were thrown in that were clearly contemporary additions to appeal to a modern audience and some of my favorite moments excluded all together.

I realize that being such a fan, there is very little chance of completely pleasing me.  Perhaps the real victory is that the 13 year old with us that had very low expectations of this antiquated story, in fact enjoyed it very much and has requested to borrow my old copy of the novel.. I shed no tears at Beth’s death at the movie but blubbered up at this request for my book.   perhaps I have actually after all these years found a kindred spirit and a new Louisa May fan has been born!!