Sad farewells ….


We lost a dearest and most treasured friend last week. Our precious dog, “Apple”. Our noble friend. Our comfortable companion. We are heart broken and our home feels so much emptier without her familiar presence. She had been so frail for several months and despite our efforts to keep her comfortable, she continued to fail in health, both physically and mentally. Finally, we contacted a special veterinarian that makes house calls to evaluate her. Himself rushed home from work at breakneck speed. Our loyal son and his dear little wife also came. The vet and his technician could not have been more kind or compassionate. Our little dog was given a thorough exam and after talking privately as a family, it was agreed her time had come. Though her advanced age of nearly 17, made this less than surprising, it was still a gut-wrenching decision to make. After sedation, Himself gently carried her out to our back garden. The rest of us processing behind him. We gathered around her in a quiet grassy shady spot. I knelt beside her, my face on hers. Dr. Alex was so kind and gentle. Not a whimper or struggle came from our precious doggy. She just quietly and gently went to sleep. As I type this, the tears are flowing. The first couple days were quite bad. Himself and I were pretty inconsolable and over imbibed adult beverages a bit. However, as they say, each day gets a little better and we can mostly now, talk of her without bursting into fresh tears. Our back garden was such a special place for her throughout her life, so we have decided to honor her memory by christening it, “Apple’s Garden”. God Speed to you, our darling little 4-legged friend!! I pray we meet again in the life to come…

A little temporary shrine to honor our doggie…
Apple’s Garden