Dog days of summer 2021

It’s been hot and dry here in Colorado Springs, lately. Though we do see an occasional rainy deluge which makes my garden and me, oh, so happy!! Enormous fires in the west have made our air hazy and all but unbreathable but that seems to be clearing up a bit….

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Sad farewells ….


We lost a dearest and most treasured friend last week. Our precious dog, “Apple”. Our noble friend. Our comfortable companion. We are heart broken and our home feels so much emptier without her familiar presence. She had been so frail for several months and despite our efforts to keep her…

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New (old) dining chairs….

I’ve had a typical oak dining room set from the 1990’s since it was new. For many years, it has done the job. Countless family dinners, lunches, breakfast, snacks. Jigsaw puzzles, card games, sewing and craft projects. Though sadly out of style, it’s an old friend that quietly keeps many…

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A New Hobby for 2021

Himself decided I needed a fun new hobby, so I ordered a paint by number kit!! I did one 50 or so years ago that was not a success…. Contained oil paints that never dried in the damp pacific north west climate and I really just was not up to…

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Once again, as we approach Thanksgiving, I feel compelled to focus and dwell upon my many blessings and gifts. This has not been an easy year. At times I feel anxiety and depression due to all the chaos we have experienced as a country. I am by nature a lover…

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