A New Hobby for 2021

Himself decided I needed a fun new hobby, so I ordered a paint by number kit!! I did one 50 or so years ago that was not a success…. Contained oil paints that never dried in the damp pacific north west climate and I really just was not up to…

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I’ve recently in the last year or so found a passion for creating various little cloth dolls .I use all kinds of scraps and bits including fabric scraps, yarn, ribbon, lace, and embroidery floss.  It’s getting a bit crowded here so I’m always pleased to find a new loving home…

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Idlewylde cottage….

One of my great joys these past couple years (and especially since corona virus craziness) is enjoying my little dolly house I’ve christened “Idlewyld Cottage” ; an obscure reference to “Anne of Green Gables” of which I am an avid fan. I got brave and built the little house from…

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